「蝶蝶」”Tefu Tefu”



LED Butterfly Flying on the Ceiling

Tefu Tefu (butterfly) opened in Kagurazaka, old geisha quarter in Tokyo. Butterflies on the ceiling are made from semi-transparent acrylic and LED is inplanted in each of them. Lighting is programed and can make various light shows. In the venue, box sheets are placed and the isle runs in the middle. Yukio Hashimoto designed the space.


  • 「蝶蝶」”Tefu Tefu” 
  • 所在地/Address :東京都新宿区神楽坂 / Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
  • 設計/Design:橋本夕紀夫デザインスタジオ/ Hashimoto Yukio Design Studio
  • 撮影/Photo:ナカサ&パートナーズ Nakasa & Partners





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