opposite cellar

o6o1o3o4o5 北京市三里屯地区に建つインターコンチネンタルホテル内のバー。クライアントの要求は「昼間はワインを販売、夜はバーとして運営する場所」であり、高級品から安価な品まで豊富にそろえる店舗。また、外国人も集まる立地のため、その富裕層をもてなす高級感を持った空間にしてほしいということであった。区画は、90㎡の面積で上階スラブまでの高さが4.8mある空間だが、鉄骨の大梁や、梁下の消防設備や排水設備の配管などが本来の空間のポテンシャルを下げてしまっている印象を受けた。また、簡単に解決しようと天井板を貼ってしまうと、せっかくの高さと開放感が損なわれてしまう。この問題点とオーナーから要求を昇華させた空間が実現できないものかと塾考した。


「opposite cellar」
所在地:中国北京市朝陽区三里屯南路1号 インターコンチネンタルホテル3階
設計:STUDIO+0601 勝田規央 江藤 廉


This is a bar in InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun in China. In the day time the store sells wine and in the night time serves various drinks from casual to premium. As for the interior design, creating a luxuriousness was requested by the owner to welcome rich international guests. The site had 90㎡ floor area and 4.8 meter ceiling height. We found that huge iron beams, firefighting equipment, and drain facilities are too much outstanding and decreasing the potential value of the space. It was easy to hide them with ceiling boards but that could eliminate openness. We sought the way to solve this problem and satisfy owner’s request.
The keyword for the solution is “Wine cellar in the air”. Wine racks made of steel pipes were hung from the ceiling surrounding the beams. The open ceiling space above 2.4 meters are filled with the wine racks, keeping enough space for guest seat areas. Reclaimed wood, black iron boards, and branded wooden boxes create an aura of “fancy wine cellar”. By placing wine racks and bottles in the air, that are usually on the floor, we successfully created the store that gives wonderful impressions to the guests. (Norio Katsuta / STUDIO+0601)


【opposite cellar】
Location:InterContinental hotel 3F, No. 1 South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
Open:Jul. 16th, 2016
Designer:STUDIO+0601  Norio Katsuta  Ren Eto
Floor area:86㎡
Photo:Misae Hiromatsu

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