
「Bamboo Forest」と呼ばれる立地から着想し、空間のストーリーを構築している。ロビーでは竹が用いられ、洗練された光と影をメインの壁面に生み出し、利用客を出迎える。また、受付とロビーラウンジを特徴づける、壁全面の伝統的な竹編み装飾を作成するため、さまざまな実地試験を行った。傾斜した天井と自然の珪藻土で仕上げた壁は、照明と相まって空間全体にミニマルなレジャー体験を提供する。
建築からインテリアにいたるまで、竹のユニークな品質を生かした空間は、普段無視されがちな伝統的な手工芸品の美しさを評価し、認めるよう促すものでもある。このホテルが私たちの忙しい都市生活における美しさ、機能、文化を高めることにつながればと願う。(Panorama Design Group


所在地:No. 1 Zizhu Seventh Road, Bamboo Forest, Futian District, Shenzhen, China
設計:Panorama Design Group Horace Pan Wendy Lam Szeka Yung Candace Pun Ming Cai


MeeHotel is a new urban resort hotel in the city of Shenzhen, China aims to give business travelers a peaceful state. The project location is called “Bamboo Forest”, so we naturally generate our story from this name.
Starting from the lobby space, bamboo was selected as the key material to let customers enter the lobby space and greeted by sophisticated light and shadow effect on the main wall. Various on-site tests & experiments with traditional bamboo weaver were done to create full height screens to define reception and lobby lounge area. Pitched roof ceiling and natural diatom mud finished walls overlay by articulated light and shadow effects provide a minimal and leisure experience for the entire space.
Double height central courtyards were introduced in every two guest-room floors. A reflective lake with bamboo installation of dancing curves that falls naturally, as if clouds are floating in the air. This ceiling hung structure was again in consultation with the master of the bamboo weaving on how to create the curves by making use of its natural elasticity and traditional connection method. Guests will feel like passing through an abstract bamboo forest before arriving at their rooms.
On the top floor Sky Café, a zen and church-like space were constructed by full height bamboo structure. Skylight above allows natural light fall in the middle of the seating area during daytime. Ceiling suspended circular LED lights formed endless glowing moons and provides guests a poetic experience during nighttime.
The bamboo and rattan applied in all guestroom headboards are in the same pattern as those in the lobby but with different widths and thickness. Floated by concealed lights, it aims to provide guests a peaceful environment and an elegant atmosphere.
We hope that this is not just another boutique hotel project, by adding the layer of traditional culture, this hotel space can provide a relaxing and comfortable journey in a more meaningful way. In celebration of the unique quality of bamboo, from the architectural to the interior level, we can continue to promote and allow business travellers to appreciate the beauty of traditional handicraft that we should have ignored. It can ultimately form aesthetic, functional, and cultural enhancement in our busy urban life. (Panorama Design Group


Address: No. 1 Zizhu Seventh Road, Bamboo Forest, Futian District, Shenzhen, China
Open: Jan. 2020
Design: Panorama Design Group Horace Pan Wendy Lam Szeka Yung Candace Pun Ming Cai
Floor area: 6,200㎡


该空间的故事源于项目所在地的名称“竹子林”。 在大厅,竹子被选为主要材料,使空间的主墙具有精致的光影效果,以迎接客人。为了打造接待区和大堂休息区的特征,我们在整个墙壁上制作了传统竹编装饰,为此还进行了各种实验。斜屋顶和天然硅藻土饰面墙结合照明,为整个空间提供了简约的休闲体验。
另外, 在所有房间中,以竹子及藤条打造的床头板会通过间接照明突出房间中的阴影, 营造出舒缓及优雅的氛围。
从建筑到室内装饰,这个利用竹子的独特品质打造出的空间, 引导人们去欣赏平常被忽略的传统手工艺之美。希望这家酒店能够在繁忙的城市生活中, 满足我们对美、功能和文化方面的需求。(Panorama Design Group


【MeeHotel 觅居酒店】
地址:No. 1 Zizhu Seventh Road, Bamboo Forest, Futian District, Shenzhen, 中国
设计:Panorama Design Group Horace Pan Wendy Lam Szeka Yung Candace Pun Ming Cai

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