堀内果実園 グランフロント大阪店



「堀内果実園 グランフロント大阪店」
所在地:大阪府大阪市北区大深町4-20 グランフロント大阪南館地下1階
設計:やぐゆぐ道具店 鈴木文貴
Photo:西岡 潔


Yoshino, Nara Prefecture is famous for persimmon production. Horiuchi Fruit Farm, run for generations by one family, was planning to open its second store in GRAND FRONT OSAKA, in the north entrance of Osaka station. Its original store is located in Nara Prefecture. We decided to embody the uniqueness of their products, such as Japanese Dried Fruits, in second store’s concept “Delivering from farm to city.”
We referenced the massive logs said to have been used to transport large rocks when building the ancient pyramids and created an element using cedar from Yoshino as wheels in a vehicle to deliver from farm to store, also with a glance back to the era when Osaka Station was a freight station. To invoke the interior elements of fruit (fresh, undecorated and forthcoming, honest flavors), we used spackle and exposed iron painted in clear paint to “reveal the interior that is usually hidden.” The seats, were, on the other hand, done up in reflective aluminum, like the forks used to eat the fruit served there. The table in the drivers seat area, the rolling refrigerated case with mobile power source were all inspired by scenes from a fruit distribution area. We hope that this place, which was once a bustling freight station, will be reborn as a bustling scene where people and goods come and go – passing on its historical narrative. (Fumitaka Suzuki / Yagyug Douguten)


【Horiuchi Fruit Farm GRAND FRONT OSAKA Store】
Address: GRAND FRONT OSAKA South Building B1F, 4-20 Ofukacho, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
Open: Mar. 14th, 2019
Design: Yagyug Douguten Fumitaka Suzuki
Floor area: 50.25㎡
Photo: Kiyoshi Nishioka


在著名的柿子产区奈良县吉野市内,有一个由几代人经营着的“堀内果园”。继奈良当地之后,第二家直营店计划在大阪车站北口的再开发区”GRAND FRONT OSAKA”展开。在这里,我们要在空间中表达“产品从农园运送到城市”,以及“国产干果”产品的独特性。
据说在建造金字塔时,将大石头放到原木上并滚动,原木是车轮的原始形式。通过采用它们,我们将当地吉野杉的圆木作为车轮,希望以此为起点来传达搬运的含义以及产品的来源。此外,这也是对以前的货运站在重建之前所处土地的记忆的追寻。为了传达水果的内部(新鲜、单纯、通透、诚实的味道),内装设计方面,我们在批土打底状态及白钢上涂上透明涂层,使其“露出平常看不见的内部”。另一方面,椅子采用镜面铝加工,就像水果叉子一样。此外,乘客席的桌子、可移动式的冷藏箱、可移动电源等,均受到蔬果物流基地的启发而做的设计。人们和货物将在这里来来去去,我们希望像货运站那样热闹生动的场景及故事能够在这里重现。(铃木文贵/Yagyug Douguten


地址:大阪府大阪市北区大深町4-20 GRAND FRONT OSAKA南馆B1
设计:Yagyug Douguten 铃木文贵
摄影:西冈 洁

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