Atlantis Blue






アトランティスは、古代ギリシャ神話の中に登場する伝説の島である。香港の中環(セントラル)に位置する、フュージョンフードとワインを提供する高級ダイニングレストラン「Atlantis Blue」は、このアトランティス伝説にインスパイアされて誕生した。神秘的でストーリー性のあるテーマを空間コンセプトに、床と壁にはヴィンテージの木材を採用。壁面に加え、客席とキッチンを隔てるガラスには、古代ギリシャの地図をコバルトブルーでプリントしている。
Atlantis Blueは上質なダイニングの体験を新しいレベルのトレンドにまで引き上げている。
(Horace Pan / PANORAMA)


「Atlantis Blue」
所在地:7/F, M88 Wellington Place, Central, Hong Kong
設計:PANORAMA  Horace Pan Alan Tse Nick Wong Dorothy Fong
Photo:Ng Siu Fung



Atlantis is a legendary island in ancient Greek myth. Inspired by the legend of Atlantis, Atlantis Blue is a fine dining restaurant located in Central, Hong Kong that serves quality fusion food and wine. The spatial concept of Atlantis Blue comes from a mysterious and story-telling theme—in which vintage timber was used in both flooring and walls, with ancient maps and Greek writings imprinted in cobalt blue color on the walls & kitchen’s window.
A mirror stainless steel ceiling-cum-window screen was adopted for the purpose of spatial extension and blocking the busy view outside. This stainless steel feature was specially laser cut in a pattern that was inspired by underwater movements and features. Daylight and artificial spotlights were allowed to pass through to the whole interior and created mysterious shadow patterns, and gave different illusionary and immersive feelings to the customers during day and night time.
Dining chairs of 2 different styles set in alternate arrangement formed subtle contrast to the timber floor and offset from the general warm-tone environment.
Atlantis Blue aims to move the fine dining experience to a new level of trendiness.
(Horace Pan / PANORAMA)


【Atlantis Blue】
Location:7/F, M88 Wellington Place, Central, Hong Kong
Open:Feb, 2014
Designer:PANORAMA Horace Pan Alan Tse Nick Wong Dorothy Fong
Floor area:200㎡
Photo:Ng Siu Fung





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